ChatGPT and artificial intelligence for funeral planning.

Artificially Intelligent (AI) Funeral Planning

It’s a New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence A new generation of artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage now. AI programs have been used for years, but the latest technological breakthrough is “generative” AI programs. These new AI programs, also known as chatbots, can respond to virtually any query. They can answer questions, hold a […]

Cremation Cost & Prepaid Cremation Plans

Prepaid cremation plans allow you to pay for cremation before you need it. In addition to the actual cremation, you can pay in advance for other elements, such as a memorial service or celebration of life. Prepaid plans are available for the full range of cremation services. Plans range from simple direct cremation (no service, […]

Talking About Your Funeral Plan

DOES YOUR FAMILY KNOW WHAT YOU WANT? You’ve probably heard us say that the best time to plan a funeral is before you need it. The same goes for talking about your funeral plan with your loved ones. It doesn’t do much good to have a plan in place if no one knows about it. […]

Find out How Much a Funeral Costs

Your guide to understanding and managing funeral costs. Find out the U.S. average funeral cost. Get instant cost estimates with our free funeral planner.

Are You Taking the Right Approach to Funeral Planning?

RETHINKING FUNERAL PLANNING – Take the same approach you take to planning for retirement. Most of us are accustomed to thinking about retirement planning. Even if retirement is years away, we understand the need to have a firm plan to get to where we want to be and retire comfortably. A good retirement plan includes […]

Funeralwise and Agents: Working Together

Selling insurance has never been more competitive than it is now. You need an edge to stand-out from the competition. The Funeralwise Funeral Insurance Program can give you that edge and set you apart from other agents. Joining forces with Funeralwise enables you to offer a complete funeral and final expense planning solution. This provides […]

The Preferred Provider Pro Plan

Our Pro Plan is an enhanced version of our free Preferred Provider program. The Pro Plan is available to funeral homes and cremation service providers who want to receive referrals from Funeralwise. How does that work? Through various sources, including our website, our Wise Planning System, and our network of insurance agents, we advise individuals […]

Learning How to Pay for a Funeral

It is never easy when someone close to you dies. In the best of cases, there is money set aside to cover the cost of burial and funeral. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way and it can mean looking for how to pay for a funeral. Today’s average funeral costs more than $8,500 […]

Are You Part of the 50%?

FUNERALS BY THE NUMBERS The Cremation Association of North America (CANA) recently confirmed what many in the industry suspected: more than half of Americans now opt for cremation. The NFDA, which also tracks funeral industry statistics, estimates that by 2025, this number will be more than 60%. Rising funeral prices for in-ground burial are a […]

How Much Will Your Funeral Cost? Try Our QuickPlan to Find Out.