Funeral Topics A – Z

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Irish Wake Funeral Service Rituals

Irish Wake Funeral Service Rituals

Irish Wake and Funeral Customs of Old Until modern times, Irish wake customs ran the gamut from profound grieving to what appeared to be rollicking good fun. This was especially true if the deceased was elderly. This curious mixture borne of a cultural blend of paganism and Christianity survives today in a severely toned-down fashion.

About the FTC Funeral Rule and Consumer Rights

FTC Funeral Rule and Your Rights as a Consumer

Funeral Industry — Regulated by the States The funeral home industry is regulated on a state-by-state basis. Rules can vary widely by state and are subject to frequent changes making state regulations one of the greatest complexities of the funeral business. The vast majority of the jurisdictions require individuals to be licensed to provide funeral related services.

Funeral Readings and Poems

Guide to Readings and Poems for Funeral Ceremonies

Whether you’re planning in advance or looking for the proper tribute for a loved one, here you will find suggested readings for numerous occasions and in a variety of forms and styles. A memorial reading can be chosen because it was a favorite, triggers memories of the deceased, pays tribute or helps family and friends communicate emotions.

Funeral Songs

Selecting Funeral Songs for Ceremonies

At any event, music sets a mood, encourages emotion and welcomes guests. A funeral is no different. During a funeral, music provides a background that invites mourners to mingle and comfort each other. Ideally, musical selections should:

PLanning ahead for a funeral

Why Should You Plan Ahead for a Funeral?

Funerals — Planning Ahead has Advantages Funeral Homes, cemeteries and other funeral service companies can help you arrange a funeral at any time -- even before there has been a death.

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