Funeral Customs

Smuggling corpses into Iraq – Part I

On dark nights in the Zagros Mountains, along a border laced with mines, smugglers sneak into Iraq from Iran, carrying…

15 years ago

Walmart joins Wuyi and other weird web death vendors

What do Lady de Guadalupe, American Patriot and Executive Privilege have in common? They are casket models, now available on…

15 years ago

Magicians hope for Harry Houdini’s ghost to hack into their computers on Halloween

Every Halloween, a group that includes celebrities, master magicians, and ghost writers waits patiently for Harry Houdini to return from…

15 years ago

Michael Jackson and many grandmas will spend eternity as diamonds

Four year-old Rusty VandenBiesen was alone with the pictures of Jesus in the scary room at his grandmother’s when he…

15 years ago

How Beethoven’s Skull got to San Jose

Beethoven died in his Vienna apartment on March 26, 1827. He was fifty-six; the cause of death was dropsy, an…

15 years ago

Poor people not wanted in cemeteries

Putting the poor to rest in a sanctioned spot is common practice across the United States. (more…)

15 years ago

In one Appalachia town, pets never die

Naomi is a cat and has been curled in the same spot on her favorite couch for seven years. (more…)

15 years ago

Computerized bugles honor the dead, irk the living

“How could this be? Those who were courageous enough to fight and give their lives for our freedom honored with…

15 years ago

Californians Spend Afterlife Beneath The Ocean

“Facing west from California shores, inquiring, tireless, seeking what is yet unfound, I, a child, very old, over waves, towards…

15 years ago

Bury Me In A Uterus, Or A Ferrari

Pastor Williams Ofori-Attah’s Sunday sermon struck a chord his countrymen are all too familiar with, lavish funerary spending. (more…)

15 years ago