Odd But True

Bacteria and Death-Using the Necrobiome To Help Solve Crime

Researchers believe that studying microbial successions, or the sequence in which microbial communities in a corpse proliferate over time, will…

8 years ago

A Sack of Sacred Skulls That Makes It Rain Has Disappeared

On the rolling prairie of western North Dakota, fields of wheat, barley and rye kiss a sky that is too…

9 years ago

Sleeping in Cemeteries: In Hard Times, People around the World Choose to Live Among the Dead

Bratislav Stojanovic wakes up every morning in a tomb. For 15 years the Serbian man has been sleeping in a…

9 years ago

Earth’s Ten Most Haunted Pet Cemeteries

Recently, I found myself wondering if there were any haunted pet cemeteries in New Orleans.

9 years ago

Who Needs to Visit a Torture Museum?

Prague, Budapest and Vienna have each undergone a great renewal the past 20 or so years. Now their beautiful blend…

10 years ago

‘Death simulator’ attraction to open in China

CNN reporter Maggie Hiufu Wong discusses a new attraction in China that allows participants to experience what it's creators imagine…

10 years ago

America’s richest dog dies while China’s has just been born

In 2007, real estate tycoon Leona Helmsley died of heart failure, leaving explicit instructions on what to do with her…

13 years ago

A fight over how to display roadside death

A man driving a van packed with mourners returning from a funeral in northern India crashed through a mound of…

13 years ago

Michael Jackson and many grandmas will spend eternity as diamonds

Four year-old Rusty VandenBiesen was alone with the pictures of Jesus in the scary room at his grandmother’s when he…

15 years ago