Imagining the “Solar Cemetery” – A Talk With Mortician Caitlin Doughty

With the cost of land rising around the country and an increase in the popularity of cremation, it's become harder and harder for cemeteries to remain profitable. Justin Nobel sits down with Caitlin Doughtery to talk about the trends shaping today's cemetery business and how the industry might embrace alternative land uses such as becoming small scale wind or solar farms.

7 Honest Questions About Death With Caitlin Doughty

For her "Ask a Mortician" video series Los Angeles mortician Caitlin Doughty has spoken candidly about topics like cat cremation and whether or not corpses soil themselves after death (the answer is yes), this September Norton will publish her much-awaited book, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes...

Caitlin Doughty book signing

OMG, a Celebrity Mortician

The funeral industry has a true celebrity, Caitlin Doughty. She is a mortician, a New York Times bestselling author, and a leader in the budding “death positive” movement. I’ve been familiar with Caitlin for a few years since our Justin Nobel first interviewed her for Digital Dying. She is not your father’s mortician. Read on...

Welcome Spring! Now Here Are Three Ways to Compost—Your Human Body..

With the beginning of Spring, the time of yard chores has begun. Planting flowers, putting out the lawn furniture, and getting that compost pile going. Although, this year brings a new type of composting into the mix, as the world has taken one step further along the path of composting human bodies. Learn more by reading Justin Noble's latest article on the Digital Dying blog.

Entering the Doorway of Death with Dina Taylor

One thing hospice nurse, Dina Taylor, has come to understand after 27 years of hospice work: Too often Americans are shuttled hastily through death’s doorway. An essential component of life is missed, for both the person passing, and their loved ones. To help families plan a better death, Dina has begun mentoring with a San Diego-based company called Thesholds that arranges home funerals. Read more about Dina's unique approach to helping people deal with death.

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