Are Robot Morticians Just Around The Corner?

“So-called robot nannies are already a hit in Japan and China and are now beginning to appear stateside,” the article stated. I obviously find myself wondering what’s next, and unsurprisingly am led to the profession of death, and this million-dollar question: Are robot morticians just around the corner? Let me help unpack that question.

The Transgender Cemetery Struggle

At the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio last year, Texas Senator Ted Cruz made a powerful and inflammatory statement. “As we all know, transgender people die of AIDS often,” said Cruz. “They are being buried next to our righteous brothers and sisters of the church...We need to create a spot in the back of the cemetery for them to be laid to rest where they cannot taint our Christian brethren in their eternal rest.” Read on...

Louisiana Flooding Is So Bad The Dead Are Coming Out Of The Ground, Again!

... while the caskets float up out of their tombs at St. Mark’s Cemetery, in Livingston Parish, and in other cemeteries across southern Louisiana, the citizens of the state are out to help. And surely, when the waters finally settle, there will be people to volunteer for that one additional odd but essential job: Putting the dead back in the ground.

Capture Memorial Day Photo Contest Winner 2016

Capture Memorial Day Photo Contest Winner Announced

Our latest contest, the 2016 Capture Memorial Day Photo Contest, will recognize and reward photographers whose images convey the meaning and emotion associated with Memorial Day in cemeteries across the United States.

Colma, California

Colma, California: City of Souls

Colma, California is home to some 1.5 million residents--most of them residing in cemeteries. The town claims just 1,400 living residents. The rest belong to the 16 cemeteries that call Colma home.

Strange Deaths 2015: Selfies top the list.

Weekly News 1/4/16: Selfie deaths and who died first?

Our weekly roundup saw the good (compassionate pilot turns around for a grieving family), the bad (female WWII pilot denied burial at Arlington cemetery), and the sort of ugly (lots of stabbings and other assorted deaths in Shakespeare's plays).

Christmas and Death in North Korea

This year, Christmas again arrives in the middle of a religious storm. Islam has been pitted against Christianity, with flashpoints in Africa, Syria, and other parts of the Middle...

Wreaths Across America

Wreaths Across America to honor fallen soldiers on December 12th.

Thousands of wreaths are on the way from Maine to Arlington National Cemetery. On Saturday, December 13th some 200,000 wreaths will be placed on the Arlington graves of fallen soldiers. Throughout the country and around the world more than 900,000 will be laid.

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