Photographing The Toughest Of Moments With Shaun Connell

By: Funeralwise | Date: Fri, October 3rd, 2014

Photo by Shaun Connell. From Huffington Post article, Photographing the tough moments.

Photo by Shaun Connell. From Huffington Post article, Photographing the tough moments.

There is something special about UK-based photographer Shaun Connell’s work. It could be the lighting, the expression that is captured at just the right moment, or the way each photo seems to tell a story. Regardless of the reason, his photos are unique and leave us wanting to see more. This is especially true of Mr. Connell’s funeral photography.

We don’t often see photographs of funerals. I guess most people are there to grieve and likely are not in the frame of mind to take photographs. This is unfortunate as there is perhaps no greater moments of human grief and sadness. Death is a part of the human condition. This in itself is enough to warrant it being recorded in our visual history. England-based documentary photographer Shaun Connell has spent some time photographing funerals; I invited him to share those images, along with some of his thoughts, with us here on the blog.

Read the full story: Photographing the Toughest of Moments

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