Guidelines for Use


This is a place for you to share your funeral stories, ask us questions, and interact with others. While we want honesty, even if a story is not so good, above all we want everyone to be respectful of others.

Following these guidelines will ensure that your stories and comments are posted (we’ll review them first):

  1. No profanity and no insults. We will review all content prior to posting, and we reserve the right to edit as needed.
  2. No typing in ALL CAPS. This is perceived as shouting. If you wish to make a word all caps to emphasize it, such as “My sister was AMAZING in how she helped me,” that’s okay.
  3. Please stay on topic. If you comment on a question or story, your comment should be relevant to the topic at hand.
  4. Try to avoid asking a question someone else has already asked. It helps to first check the “Ask Us” section or type your search words into our search bar (above).
  5. Be respectful—it’s all right to state that you are unhappy with a particular funeral provider or situation, but please do so in a respectful way.


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