Cremation Cost & Prepaid Cremation Plans

Prepaid cremation plans allow you to pay for cremation before you need it. In addition to the actual cremation, you can pay in advance for other elements, such as a memorial service or celebration of life. Prepaid plans are available for the full range of cremation services. Plans range from simple direct cremation (no service, remains returned to family) to a full traditional funeral with visitation before cremation.
In most cases, you will contract directly with a funeral home or cremation provider for the services you want. Depending on the service provider you choose, you can arrange to pay for services in one lump sum or a series of installments. One of the most popular methods for paying for a cremation in advance is to take out an insurance policy. The policy will be used at your death to cover the costs of the services you purchase.
How Much Does a Payment Plan for Cremation Cost?
The cost of a cremation can vary widely. A direct cremation can range from $750 to $4,400. A traditional funeral service preceding the cremation can run between $6,600 to $9,000. Regardless of the type of cremation services you choose, you can prepay for them with an insurance-based prepayment plan. For example, we can provide a 10-year payment plan that grows to a $2,000 payout benefit for only $17 per month.
Our Funeral Insurance Finder is a great way to get an estimate of cremation costs and an insurance policy to cover them. Even better, you can request a consultation with a Preplanning Specialist who can answer your questions and ensure you get a plan that meets your particular financial requirements. Just provide your contact information after you get your quote.
If you are interested in prepaying for a cremation plan that includes traditional or memorial services, our Preplanning Specialist can offer you valuable Free Benefits with our Wise Protection Plan.
Advantages of Prepaying for Cremation
A key reason that many people prepay for cremation is that it lifts the burden of making funeral or cremation arrangements for their loved ones. When the time comes, the difficult decisions have already been made. Your family can start their journey through grief without the stress of planning a funeral.
Another key benefit is that the financial obligations for making end-of-life arrangements are taken care of. This can be a huge relief to those who are mourning you.
When you prepay for cremation, you can lock in prices to protect against inflation. If you choose to pay using an insurance policy, your money may grow, leaving a surplus for your family. To learn more about the types of policies that offer these advantages, we recommend you speak with one of our preplanning specialists.
Our Prepaid Cremation Plan quoter is an easy way to get an instant quote and arrange to speak with a specialist. Answer a few simple questions, and we’ll provide you with a no-risk quote for a preneed policy. Be sure to provide your contact details, and we’ll put you in touch with a Preplanning Specialist.
What to look out for when prepaying for cremation.
When you make any significant financial commitment, you need to make sure you do your homework before signing a contract. Most complaints involve cases where the provider is no longer in business or they do not honor the terms of the agreement. Here are some ways you can avoid difficulties down the road.
Research the Cremation Providers you are considering.
There are many ways that consumers can gather information on the companies they are considering purchasing prepaid cremation services from.
- Check the Better Business ratings to see if the company has outstanding complaints.
- Look for reviews online.
- Talk with people you know who may have used the provider.
- Check with the agency that regulates funeral services in your state.
Shop around.
Most communities have multiple funeral homes and cremation providers. Since you are preplanning, you have the luxury of having time to shop around. Checking on what is available at various locations will give you a good idea of what pricing is reasonable and how to cut costs. You’ll also have information that helps you recognize situations where the provider marks up prices as a hedge against inflation.
Many funeral homes and cremation providers post their prices online. Look for the General Price List on websites. Remember, funeral homes must provide you with pricing in writing.
If you are located in the western United States, check out the terms of the Agreement.
It is always tempting to skim over contracts to get on with the process. You never want to do this. Pay particular attention to what will happen to your money if the provider goes out of business or if you relocate. Many prepaid plans do not allow you to transfer plans between funeral homes. This may work fine for you, but if there is a chance your situation may change, be sure your contract allows for that. Find out how the provider will protect your funds. Most states have strict rules regarding how the money for prepaid cremation and burial arrangements must be held to protect you.
Buying a prepaid cremation plan can be a smart financial move. You can minimize risks by doing your homework and learning as much as you can about exactly what you are buying.
One of the best things you can do is speak with a Funeralwise Preplanning Specialist. These professionals can help you choose a reliable provider and determine the best way to fund your plan. To get the process started click here to get a free quote.