Funeral upsets should be a category. It’s been four months and I’m still upset. My husband died after a long illness wherein I singlehandedly took care of him and went to work everyday. No one offered to help ease my stress with a night out or anything. So he was failing fast and I finally got some help from his family. He ended up within a week back in the hospital and died three days later. Due to a large family we opted for a funeral a week later. Three days after he died was my birthday and my daughter and I got mani pedis to relax after the stress of the last week. After we get back to my car someone had smashed the window to my car and stole my daughter’s suitcases. Now I need to car shop, figure out how to afford it and do all the funeral prep. Had a little help with the car search but would go home alone as no one could come to my house because of the cat. So Friday comes and time for the funeral. There were over 500 guests and there was no particular line, just find your family member and visit. I don’t think I spent more than 2 min with anyone. 20 min before the service started after being there for 3 hours, my sister comes with her two kids. I gave them all a hug and thanked them cor coming when we were interrupted by the funeral director suggesting that I sit down so that others will and then we can start on time. The service started on time and last a bit over an hour. I stood up afterwards and was in la la land, I don’t even remember what I did next, but I think I got something to drink. When I got back to the main room most everyone was gone. Upon grabbing my husbands urn and leaving, by myself, did I mention no one waited for me, to drive to the family get together, my sister leaves me a nasty text message saying “Thanks fir dissing my son after coming all this way.” I no sooner dissed him than I did anyone else and others came from the west coast, not just a state away. I am still upset and even my mother doesn’t think my sister should apologize! Am I wrong to want an apology for upsetting me with an unfounded accusation at my husband’s large funeral?
In a word, “YES”, you are wrong to expect an apology.
Ronnie Presley
You are the one who lost your husband. You were probably grieving most. You should have been cared for. Not everyone going about their own business. At a funeral people are sometimes in shock especially the spouse. Very selfish and inconsiderate people. Why did they come if not to comfort and support the widow?