Having a Cheap Funeral

10 Tips For Having A Cheap Funeral

Lots of people look for ways to have a cheap funeral. It’s not that they don’t care about the funeral, they just can’t afford today’s funeral costs (see how much a funeral costs). Fortunately, with some pre-planning and a little creativity, you can have a nice end-of-life send-off without breaking the bank. In other words, […]

We are Thankful for You This Year

WE ARE THANKFUL FOR YOUDespite the struggles that 2020 has brought, we at Funeralwise have much to be thankful for. We are especially thankful for you and our community. You are the reason we do what we do. When we hear that we have helped someone navigate the difficult journey that funerals bring, it is […]

Do I need the Wise Planning System if I have a prepaid funeral plan?

Question: Why do I need the Funeralwise Wise Planning System if I already have a prepaid plan through a funeral home. Answer: The Wise Planning System is a powerful tool that offers things your prepaid plan doesn’t — like ceremony planning, checklists, storing personal and genealogical information, and more. When you buy a prepaid plan […]

Pet Loss: 10 Tips for Coping With the Grief

No question about it, coping with the loss of a treasured pet is hard. The grief you feel from pet loss can be intense and complicated. In fact, that grief can be just as strong as what you experience when a human with which you have a close relationship dies. Working through grief from your […]

Opportunities for Funeral Celebrants

More than 2 million visitors come to Funerawise.com each year for information, advice, and funeral planning tools. Many of these people are good prospects for the services of a Celebrant.  With our broad reach, we can help you engage a new universe of clients. Not only that, we offer you the chance to earn fees […]

Celebrant Services on the Web

Combining the resources of Celebrants and Funeralwise is the ideal way to help families create truly meaningful and memorable celebrations of life. We complement each other perfectly. Celebrants provide personalized services that Funeralwise does not offer. On the other hand, Funeralwise has a robust online presence, comprehensive information, tools, and marketing that most Celebrants do […]

Sympathy Meals

Among the most thoughtful and popular ways to show sympathy and offer condolences when there is a death is to send the deceased’s loved ones a meal. These meals let the family know they are in your thoughts and it relieves them of the burden of shopping for and preparing food. Having good healthy food […]

Learning How to Pay for a Funeral

It is never easy when someone close to you dies. In the best of cases, there is money set aside to cover the cost of burial and funeral. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way and it can mean looking for how to pay for a funeral. Today’s average funeral costs more than $8,500 […]

Are You Part of the 50%?

FUNERALS BY THE NUMBERS The Cremation Association of North America (CANA) recently confirmed what many in the industry suspected: more than half of Americans now opt for cremation. The NFDA, which also tracks funeral industry statistics, estimates that by 2025, this number will be more than 60%. Rising funeral prices for in-ground burial are a […]

Grief And The Holidays

Most of us look forward to the sights, sounds, and celebrations of the holiday season. For those who have suffered a loss, however, this time of year presents many challenges, not the least of which is how to make the difficult journey through grief when it seems all those around us are filled with joy. […]

How Much Will Your Funeral Cost? Try Our QuickPlan to Find Out.