Life is full of things we don’t want to do, like paying taxes or going to the dentist. Some you can avoid, some you can’t. Planning a funeral is probably at the top of the list of things you don’t want to do. You can’t avoid dying, but you can avoid planning for it which leaves your family to deal with your funeral arrangements when you’re gone.
It may not be a conscious decision to pass this responsibility over to your family. Most likely it’s something you don’t want to think about, so you put it off, and then the unexpected happens and your family is saddled with the task of making your final arrangements. Or you may tell your family that you don’t want a funeral — but is that really helping them?
To Plan or Not to Plan
Before you decide to leave your funeral planning for another day, or to leave it to your family, here are 5 things you should consider.
- It isn’t just about you. Your funeral is vitally important for your family’s emotional well-being. They need to mourn and to give you a meaningful tribute. The funeral of a loved one is an essential milestone in the healing process. It’s a time to remember, say goodbye, and begin moving on. Telling your family that you don’t want a funeral does not make it easier on them. Instead it gives rise to indecision and doubt because they won’t know whether to honor that wish or do what they feel is most appropriate and that may be to give you a funeral.
- It’s much easier with a plan. Making arrangements at the time of the funeral is the most difficult time to plan a funeral. Decisions need to be made quickly and emotions are running high. Under stress and time pressure it’s easy to overspend and to take shortcuts on the ceremonies. Having a funeral plan in place will be a great help to your family when the time comes to make your funeral arrangements.
- Your plan doesn’t need to be complicated. Even a simple funeral plan will be very helpful to your family. By specifying your wishes, even in basic terms, you will give your family a road map for planning your funeral. It avoids disagreements and guides the decisions and choices they will need to make.
- Payment is due at the time of the funeral. If you haven’t made arrangements in advance to cover your funeral costs, your family will be responsible for paying the bills. Will they be able to cover the cost? Will they have access to your bank accounts?
- Funeral planning doesn’t have to be difficult. When you are planning ahead you can take advantage of funeral planning tools that make it easy to do it yourself. You can do your research, get step-by-step guidance and do it at your convenience in much the same way you shop for other products and services using the web.
Funeral Planning — Quick, Easy and Free
It feels good to take care of something important, especially if you’ve been putting it off. Creating a funeral plan is one of those things that you’ll feel good about getting done. It’s easy to get started with our Funeral Quick Plan. You can create a basic funeral plan in just a few minutes. It’s FREE and there’s NO OBLIGATION. So why wait? Get started now.
Plan your funeral the Funeralwise way. Watch this short video to see how.
Learn more about funeral planning.