Practical how-to guides for all aspects of funeral planning. Create funeral plans for yourself and others with our easy-to-use online planner.
Practical how-to guides for all aspects of funeral planning. Create funeral plans for yourself and others with our easy-to-use online planner.
Arranging the Funeral Now that Your Loved One Has Died A funeral is a formal service of remembrance with the body present, in either a closed or open casket. Your funeral director or clergy can advise you on many aspects of etiquette relating to the actual funeral service. If your loved one hasn’t preplanned, you will need to make a number of decisions:
Topics A - D A Advance Directives African-American Funerals Alternative Funeral Providers Arranging a Funeral: What You Need to Do Ásatrú Funerals Asian Funeral Flower Customs
Whether you’re planning in advance or looking for the proper tribute for a loved one, here you will find suggested readings for numerous occasions and in a variety of forms and styles. A memorial reading can be chosen because it was a favorite, triggers memories of the deceased, pays tribute or helps family and friends communicate emotions.