“Concierge” Service
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Tagged: Funeral Planning Issues
Is there a service in NC (Myrtle Beach area) that can take care of everything from the arrangements, cleaning out the home, to filing paperwork and reporting to the appropriate parties?
We did a little research (we’re guessing you mean Myrtle Beach, SC, rather than NC) and couldn’t find any businesses that appear to offer the full slate of services you need. It’s likely that you will need to combine the services of a few companies. A full-service funeral home will be able to take care of the arrangements and notify the proper authorities. There are quite a few in the Myrtle Beach area.
As far as taking care of the house, that may be a bit trickier. A local funeral home may be able to point you in the right direction.
While this is not an exact answer to your inquiry, we hope it is somewhat helpful. Also, if this request was due to a death in your family, we are so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you have quite a lot on your plate right now.