Atheist Funeral Service Rituals

Atheist funerals — usually quite similar to humanist funerals — are becoming more and more common. They are appropriate memorials to those who lived their lives without religious affiliation and reject the typically religious views associated with life and death.

Shakespearian Era Funeral Customs

Shakespearean Times Funeral Service Rituals

Funeral customs in Shakespearian times were quite different than they are today. It is interesting to compare and contrast the similarities. It is important to note that statistically death was quite different than it is now. Only about 10% of the population lived past the age of 60 during this era, and infant and child mortality was extremely high. It’s been said that if a child made it to age 12, he was just as likely to live to be 70.

Gangs and Funeral Service Rituals

For most people funerals are quiet and solemn affairs. They are a time to pay respects and lend comfort and support to the family members and friends of the deceased. They are a time to celebrate the life of the deceased and find closure and healing. However, for some people in cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Vancouver, funerals have become a place for rival gangs to seek their revenge and perpetuate long-standing conflicts.

Messianic Judaism Funeral Customs

Messianic Judaism Funeral Service Rituals

Messianic Judaism is a religion that . As a result, the funeral customs traditionally associated with this religious group are also a blend of funeral rituals and traditions that come from its roots in both religions. This blending of faiths does present some challenges in determining how best to carry out funeral rites.

New Funeralwise Survey Shows Contrasting Funeral Choices

People Prefer Either a “Celebration of Life” or No Funeral At All Chicago, IL – The new survey conducted by revealed an important finding for the funeral industry – almost half of those surveyed would like a “celebration of life” ceremony versus only 11% that prefer a traditional funeral. Also, a startling fact came to light – over 30% do not want a funeral.

Pentecostal Funeral Customs

Pentecostal Funeral Service Rituals

Pentecostal funeral customs are similar to other Christian funeral traditions. The service traditionally takes place at the church, but it may also be conducted at a funeral home or at the site of the grave. In the past it has been the custom to wear black at Pentecostal funeral services. However, white is more frequently being used to symbolize the Pentecostal belief in the resurrection of the body.

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