Throw Your Own Great Funeral on ‘Create a Great Funeral Day’

Inspired by the movie “Get Low,”’s sweepstakes and survey offers funeral planning prizes Chicago, IL, October 18, 2010 — suggests individuals think about throwing their own funeral on Saturday, October 30, the 11th annual Create a Great Funeral Day. To help, is offering free funeral planning and cash prizes to survey participants who share their views about “living” funeral services.

Funeral Topics A – Z

Topics A - D A Advance Directives African-American Funerals Alternative Funeral Providers Arranging a Funeral: What You Need to Do Ásatrú Funerals Asian Funeral Flower Customs

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See interviews with Funeralwise co-founders Larry Anspach and Rick Paskin for the Empowering Minds Series with Martin Sheen

Funeral Planning Checklist

Must-Have Items for A Funeral Planning Checklist

Until you go through the funeral planning process, it’s hard to imagine how many decisions are required. To make matters worse, all these crucial decisions must be made during a time of loss and grief. When you preplan, your family avoids the stress of guessing what you would have wanted. A well-thought-out funeral planning checklist […]

Fake Obituaries

Fake Obituaries: A Troubling Trend

You might remember flipping through the newspaper obituary section or watching your parents and grandparents do this while telling stories about the familiar names they spotted. In fact, before social media, obituaries were the primary way we kept up with the passing of friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. Indeed, throughout history, preparing an obituary has held […]

After The Funeral

Summer 2023 As if planning the funeral weren’t enough, once the arrangements have been made and the service has taken place, there is still a lot to consider, especially if you are named as the estate executor. If you are thinking about your own funeral arrangements or helping a loved one, it can be extremely […]

Funeral Potatoes

The Magic of Funeral Potatoes – 10 Fascinating Facts

It started with a simple search–funeral potatoes. Since our funeral food pages are popular, we thought our readers might enjoy a pithy little feature highlighting our recipes and funeral food customs. Having crossed paths with an article or two about the traditions behind potatoes at funerals, that seemed like a good place to start.  Hailing […]

Funeral Celebrant or Funeral Director

Funeral Director or Funeral Celebrant: Do you need both?

Most of us know what wedding officiants do. They work with couples to design the perfect wedding ceremony and then conduct the proceedings. But did you know there are also funeral officiants—professionals who are trained to help plan and conduct funeral ceremonies? These experts are called Funeral Celebrants. What does a Funeral Celebrant do? Funeral […]

Talking About Your Funeral Plan

Talking About Your Funeral Plan

DOES YOUR FAMILY KNOW WHAT YOU WANT? You’ve probably heard us say that the best time to plan a funeral is before you need it. The same goes for talking about your funeral plan with your loved ones. It doesn’t do much good to have a plan in place if no one knows about it. […]

Average Funeral Costs

Find out How Much a Funeral Costs

Your guide to understanding and managing funeral costs. Find out the U.S. average funeral cost. Get instant cost estimates with our free funeral planner.

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