Personalizing a Funeral

How To Personalize a Funeral or Memorial Service

Memorial services and funerals serve a number of purposes. They give us the chance to say goodbye and offer an opportunity for friends and family to gather together to start the journey through the grieving process. In the end, the key reason most of us go to the time and expense of holding a funeral […]

Funeral Director or Celebrant

Fall 2023 Funeral Celebrant or Funeral Director: Which do you need? As funeral celebrants have become more popular, many people are left wondering why they need a funeral director if they have a celebrant and vice versa. The answer is simple… it depends. Think about a traditional funeral where the funeral director handles details such as […]

Funeral Planning Advice from a Chatbot

March 2023 Artificial Intelligence and the Funeral Industry If you follow the news, you’ve likely seen many stories lately about artificial intelligence. From bots that write essays and create images to videos where you can’t tell real from imagined, AI is everywhere these days. AI has the potential to transform many industries, including the funeral […]

Prepaid Cremation Plans

September 2022 PREPAID CREMATION PLANSPrepaid cremation plans allow you to pay for cremation before you need it. In addition to the actual cremation, you can pay in advance for other elements, such as a memorial service or celebration of life. Prepaid plans are available for the full range of cremation services–from simple direct cremation (no […]

Cremation Cost & Prepaid Cremation Plans

Prepaid cremation plans allow you to pay for cremation before you need it. In addition to the actual cremation, you can pay in advance for other elements, such as a memorial service or celebration of life. Prepaid plans are available for the full range of cremation services. Plans range from simple direct cremation (no service, […]

We Are Grateful For You

November 2021 As we move through our day-to-day business, it’s easy to take important things for granted. For a business like ours, we rarely get to thank the people who make our work possible: you. As we head into the holiday season, we’d like to take a moment to let you know how grateful we […]

Celebration of LIfe

Four Funerals And No Wedding

By Guest Contributor Barry Slocombe The life of a funeral celebrant is rewarding. It can also be highly challenging. Earlier this year, Celebrant Barry Slocombe found out just how challenging. He decided to share his experience with us so that we could get a peek behind the curtain and see just what life is like […]

FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Reimbursement Program

FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Reimbursement Program Update

Update: According to the FEMA website: “The COVID-19 incident period ended on May 11, 2023. FEMA will continue to provide funeral assistance until Sept. 30, 2025, to those who have lost loved ones due to this pandemic.“ If you need information about the FEMA reimbursement program, please get in touch with their office directly at […]

Our Annual Planning Tips

February 2021 WHAT’S YOUR PLAN? We’re fond of saying that the best time to plan a funeral is before you need it. That’s because when you plan for your end-of-life needs, you are likely to save money and, at the same time, give your loved ones the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly […]

Personalized Funeral

Making Funerals More Personal

You may have seen the latest TV ads from a national funeral home chain. The spots feature a motorcycle-themed funeral, a lap around a track for an auto racing fan, and a disco party for a dance lover. These commercials are examples of some very unique final farewells and highlight a new focus on creating […]

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