Donating Your Body to Science

Donation to Science

For some, donating their body to science is a way to help society. The hope is that by contributing to science, they may, in some small way, help to find a cure for deadly diseases like cancer. For others, the driving force behind donation is reducing cost since donating your body to science means that […]

Memorial Cards

Funeral Memorial Cards and Prayer Cards

Memorial cards are small, sturdy, laminated cards (about the size of a playing card) that offer a tribute to the deceased. Their use is not necessarily limited to funerals. You will also find them distributed at visitations, wakes, memorial services, and celebrations of life. Memorial cards are referred to by a variety of names. They […]

A Technology That Will Help You Plan Your Funeral

WILMETTE, Ill., Sept. 19, 2017 — More people than ever are turning to online funeral planning to fight rising funeral costs and to design more personalized services. With the latest release of its Wise Planning System, has taken online funeral planning technology to the next level. This new generation funeral planner makes it easier […]

Planning a funeral is like planning a wedding

Yes, planning a funeral really is just like planning a wedding.

Can you imagine having a big wedding without doing all the planning? As good as that might sound since you’d be skipping the stress, most of us would never even consider it. With all the details–from choosing the venue to selecting the food–it’s just not practical. So if you can’t imagine having that storybook wedding […]

Funeral Food

Funeral Food

When you think of food for a funeral reception, what comes to mind depends on where you live, your culture, and your family traditions. Southerners often turn to hearty casseroles. Those in the northeast may want meatballs or Italian fare on the table. In the Midwest chances are you’ll spot a plate of egg salad […]

Celebrants can partner with Funeralwise

Funeral Celebrants and

Shared Mission: Celebrating Lives We share a common goal with Funeral Celebrants – to help families celebrate a life. is rich with information, advice and tools to guide those who are attending, arranging, or preplanning funeral services. Similarly, Celebrants help families create individualized funeral and memorial services that reflect the personality and lifestyle of […]

Elements of a Funeral

Elements of a Funeral or Memorial Service

A funeral or memorial service is a reflection of your cultural, spiritual, and religious beliefs. It also reflects the personality of the deceased and the loved ones who are planning the service. As such, every funeral is unique. However, some elements of a funeral are common to most memorial services and funerals. Whether or not […]

Should you attend the funeral?

Should You Attend the Funeral?

Funerals are a unique type of life celebration. Formal invitations are rarely (almost never) issued. Instead, information on the date, time, and place for services are passed through public sources. Typical methods for passing along logistical details are a newspaper obituary, word of mouth, or social media. More often than not, funeral and memorial services […]

Funeral Planning

10 Reasons NOT to Plan Your Funeral

Did you read that right? Yes, you did. We want you to really think about why you shouldn’t plan your funeral in advance. Chances are, you will change your mind. Don’t like slide shows? Here’s the full “10 Reasons NOT to Plan Your Funeral” list. 1. You don’t plan to die. Good luck with that […]

Conference table for making funeral arrangements with Funeralwise

Working with a Funeral Director: Arrangement Conferences

After a death has occurred there are many decisions to be made and details to be organized. The time set aside to accomplish these things is called the arrangement conference. Depending on the complexity or amount of details needed, this could take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours. Being prepared and knowing what to expect can greatly reduce confusion and stress during this time.

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